Confused? Let’s get started.
First – Check your license.
Second: Remember that Light-O-Rama is not out to trick you. You should look for the lowest possible option, and take it. Why? 99% of the time, that’s the correct answer.
You have –
A license that does not support S3.
You want –
To upgrade to S3 at your current license level, but do NOT want the SuperStar Editor (SSE).
You need –
This will renew your license, at your current software level (Basic, Basic Plus, Standard or Advanced) and give you the ability to activate S3.
You have –
A “Standard” license that does not support S3.
You want –
To upgrade to S3 and upgrade to the “Advanced” license level.
You need –
Why? This will upgrade your license to “Advanced.” The upgrade will count as a licnese renewal.
You have –
A license that does not support S3.
You want –
To upgrade to S3, and want the 2_CCR license.
You need –
This will get you the 2_CCR license AND renew your overall license. NOTE: Your renewal is good for the SAME license level ONLY. If you have a “Basic” license, you will renew at the “Basic” level.
You have –
A license that supports S3. However you are running at the Standard LOR Feature Level.
License Status
Your license covers version 3.0. There is no reason to renew your license at this time.
LOR Feature Level: Standard
SuperStar Feature Level: Demo
Max Version: 3.0 (and any future versions released by October 2, 2012)
You want –
To upgrade from Standard to Advanced.
You need –
You still need to upgrade to a higher level. This was true when S2 was the main product. This has not changed. This would also count as a license renewal.
You have:
A license that supports S3.
License Status
Your license covers version 3.0. There is no reason to renew your license at this time.
LOR Feature Level: Standard
SuperStar Feature Level: Demo
Max Version: 3.0 (and any future versions released by October 1, 2012)
You want:
A 2_CCR license.
You need:
You don’t own a SSE license. You would need to purchase one to use the SSE. This would also count as a license renewal.
You have –
A license that supports S3.
License Status
Your license covers version 3.0. There is no reason to renew your license at this time.
LOR Feature Level: Standard
SuperStar Feature Level: Demo
Max Version: 3.0 (and any future versions released by October 1, 2012)
You want –
A 2_CCR license & to upgrade to the Advanced LOR Feature Level.
In this specific case, you need two items.
1) – The Superstar Sequence Editor license.
2) – The Software Upgrade.
You don’t own a SSE license. You would need to purchase one to use the SSE. This would also count as a license renewal. However, your renewal is only good for the same license level that you were previously at, in this case, “Standard.”
Just remember, in this case you are not paying more than any other Light-O-Rama customer. It’s just that you are paying it at the same time, versus two different times.