LOR 3.9.0 Released
Recently, Light-O-Rama released version 3.9.0 of the software. This version includes a bug fix for a memory leak, and the introduction of SuperSpeed (or as it is know known, 500K.) The 500K option is an increase in the network speed related to data transmission. One early report had up to 12 CCR’s on a single network with 500K.
The big fix for the memory leak is also included in 3.9.0. However, if your license does not support 3.9.0, then please note that LOR has released the following versions: 3.5.2, 3.6.2, 3.7.2 and 3.8.2. Since the memory leak first occured in 3.5.0, LOR released these version so everyone would have the fix. It is important to note that you do not have to pay for this bug fix. If your license only covers 3.5.0, then you would be able to run 3.5.2.