Easiest thing to do is to re-install the drivers.
Make sure all LOR program are stopped and shows are disabled.
Unplug the USB adapter.
Use this link to get the USB driver installer. Download it and save it to your Desktop:
Once you have down loaded it and saved it to your desktop, double click the file which will run the driver installer. (make sure that the USB adapter is unplugged).
Once the installer has completed,
1. Run the LOR hardware Utility.
2. In the “Setup Comm Port” section (Top left of screen) click on the “Manual Select” dropdown.
3. Make note of which comm ports are present.
4. Stop(Exit) the Hardware Utility Program
5. Plug in the USB adapter (wait 15 seconds for it to be recognized)
6. Run the Hardware Utility Program. Check the Manual Select dropdown and a new com port